Pragma-IoT, in partnership with the Architectural Aluminum Academy, the Innovation and Skills Development Center for the Architectural Aluminum Systems industry, and a subsidiary of ALUMIL, a leading global aluminum manufacturer, is proud to announce the upcoming 3 xChange event in Thessaloniki.
This event is dedicated to unveiling the ADMA TranS4MErs project, aimed at providing professional and financial support for the digitalization development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) specializing in aluminum expertise.
Certified TranS4MErs will showcase the ADMA Scan-Project tool and the ADMA TranS4MErs xChange Platform, offering attendees the opportunity to delve into the ADMA methodology. Additionally, industry experts from the realms of technology and the labor market will offer insights into the digitalization and green transition of SMEs.
For those seeking opportunities to foster partnerships within the advanced manufacturing community, this event offers a unique platform to delve deeper into the prospects of joining our international network. We are dedicated to bringing together innovation-driven industry players who collaborate to propel European SMEs towards a greener, more competitive, and ultimately successful future. At the event, attendees will gain valuable insights into how they can become part of this transformative journey towards creating the Factories of the Future.
The event will take place on Monday 22 April 2024 in the amphitheatre of Architectural Aluminum Academy from 18:00-20:30