Vessel Performance | Voyage Optimization | Fleet Decarbonization

Maritime Excellence Through Digital Solutions

What is Pragma Maritime?

Pragma Maritime is a data-driven optimization platform
aimed at fostering a greener maritime industry by
equipping ship owners and operators with the insights
necessary to meet their operational, financial and
decarbonization objectives

  • Visual Data Monitoring
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Maintenance Task Coordination
  • CII Simulator
  • Route Optimization
  • Fuel Consumption Optimization

What It Does...

Vessel Tracking

Real-time monitoring for optimal navigation and safety.

Voyage Optimization

Strategic planning of routes considering weather, fuel, and emissions.

Vessel Performance

Comprehensive operational metrics assessment for fuel efficiency.

Fleet Decarbonization

Data-driven strategies to reduce emissions and meet regulations.

How It Works

Data Collection Sources

  • Sensor Data
  • Noon Reports
  • Design Data
  • Weather Data
  • Hull Cleanings
  • Emission Control Zones
  • Dry Dockings
  • Hull Cleanings

Unique Selling Points

Vessel Tracking

Real-time monitoring for optimal navigation and safety.

Voyage Optimization

Strategic planning of routes considering weather, fuel, and emissions.

Vessel Performance

Comprehensive operational metrics assessment for fuel efficiency.

Fleet Decarbonization

Data-driven strategies to reduce emissions and meet regulations.

We are fully aware

that Artificial Intelligence has many capabilities and benefits to transform and expand your business. At Pragma we provide AI consulting and development services to promote business efficiency and bottom-line improvement, which are summarized below:

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data. The goal is to go beyond knowing what has happened to providing a best assessment of what will happen in the future.

Voice & Speech Recognition

Voice recognition is the process of converting a voice into digital data. The purpose of voice recognition is to identify the voice owner. Speech recognition’s purpose is to identify the words of the speaker. In the first case, the program needs a unique voiceprint of the speaker for comparison. In second case, the program needs a huge dictionary to identify the speaker’s words.

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate humans’ actions interacting with digital systems and software. It enables ‘robots’ to handle repetitive, rule-based digital tasks such as filling in the same information in multiple places, reentering data, or copying and pasting.

Object identification

Object identification is a computer vision technique for identifying objects in images or videos. Object recognition is a key output of deep learning and machine learning algorithms. When humans look at photograph or watch a video, we can readily spot people, objects, scenes, and visual details.

Facial recognition

Facial recognition uses computer-generated filters to transform face images into numerical expressions that can be compared to determine their similarity. These filters are usually generated by using deep learning, which uses artificial neural networks to process data.

AI on Edge Device (Mobile, IoT, etc.)

Edge AI devices include smart speakers, smart phones, laptops, robots, self-driven cars, drones, and surveillance cameras that use video analytics. Edge artificial intelligence (edge AI) is a paradigm for crafting AI workflows that span centralized data centers (the cloud) and devices outside the cloud are closer to humans and physical things (the edge).

AI for Zero-Defect Manufacturing

Zero defects is referred to a movement that aims to minimize the number of defects in manufactured products and service as possible. It doesn’t have distinct steps to follow or rules to abide by, which leaves companies open to customizing how they want it to work for themselves.

AI for Fleet Monitoring

AI fleet monitoring is the use of artificial intelligence-based technology to manage fleet operations. In a constantly changing world, it streamlines the work of any fleet manager by gradually eliminating human error from the transport process.

Why choose Pragma-IoT?

An experienced and skilled team

Pragma developers are well experienced in all of Artificial Intelligence (AI) core components and will be able to deliver custom solutions no matter the complexity.

Affordable cost

Pragma offers competitive pricing for building your custom solutions.

Customer Support

Reliable and priority customer support. All queries are processed and responded with the minimal response time.

On time delivery

We understand the importance of deploying on time, and that’s why the project deadlines are taken with utmost seriousness.

What are the benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools?

We use cutting-edge technologies to accelerate digital initiatives and maximize business outcomes.
  • It introduces a new and improved interface for human interaction
  • It is very helpful for the conversion of information into knowledge
  • It improves work efficiency so reduce the duration of time to accomplish a task in comparison to human
  • It introduces new techniques to solve new problems
  • It handles the information better than human.

Let us improve your business!

Contact us and one of our representatives will get in touch with you!