TALES ApplicatiOn Experiment - Automation in BrewerieS Logistics & Operation

L4MS  (Logistics for manufacturing SMEs)

Date: November 2019

Project Summary

TALES is a growing SME in the brewery’s domain. TALES seeks the automation of its logistics that will increase the production flexibility, adaptability and automation enabling TALES to meet its scale-up objectives. TALOS will realize a Hybrid (human-robot collaboration) automated logistics solution, by introducing a robotic system for the intra-shopfloor heavy material transportation, as well as an IoT system for the monitoring and control of the logistics and quantity of the products during the brewery’s processes. The overall proposed system will be fully integrated with the OPIL framework. The ROS enabled robotic systems along with the IoT sensors and actuators will be connected through OPIL in order to send measurements and receive actuation commands. This information (i.e. IoT sensing and actuation, and robot navigation and control) will be shared to the employees through OPIL and the respective OPIL HMIs.

Pragma will:

  •  extend the Pragma platform to logistics and breweries domain;
  • explore innovative IoT based technologies with existing robots;
  • test the existing tools (e.g. data and visual analytics algorithms) in cross-cutting
  • test the existing tools (e.g. data and visual analytics algorithms) in cross-cutting
    application domains of logistics.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 767642